Export fees and services for vehicles and motorcycles
Below, you'll find an overview of the types of exports BCA Netherlands has:
1. Export BPM digital (German export documents)
- Vehicle is younger than 16-10-2006
- Vehicle has luxury tax (rest-BPM)
Buyer fee
1,75% (min. € 435,-)
Export fee
Transport fee to Weeze
Handling fee
MOT* (if MOT date is expired)
* Possible repairs to receive a valid MOT are not included. These repair costs must be paid by the buyer.
2. Export NL export (Dutch export documents)
- Vehicle is older than 16-10-2006 (with or without luxury tax/ rest-BPM)
- Vehicle is not drivable
- Purchase is anything other than a drivable vehicle (motor, big truck, tyreset, bike etc.)
Buyer fee
1,75% (min. € 435,-)
Export fee
Transport fee to Weeze
Handling fee
3. Export for non - EU buyers (only possible with Dutch export documents)
Buyer fee
1,75% (min. € 435,-)
Export fee
Transport fee to Weeze
Handling fee
EXA document
Rest BPM is not deductible for sales outside the EU. When buying a vehicle which contains “Rest BPM” this will be included in the invoice.
VAT will also be included in the invoice and can be refunded when the buyer proofs that the vehicle and/or goods left the EU.