Recent market data indicates a substantial increase in demand for battery electric vehicles. More makes and models are on the market and consumer interest is growing across Europe as battery autonomy increases. Thanks to the BCA BEV Auctions and its convenient fixed buyer fee of 450€, you can offer your customers the affordable, cutting-edge mobility technology they are looking for. It's never been easier to replenish your BEV stock and boost your used electric car business. With the available BCA EV Battery Health Grading reports it is even easier to replenish your BEV stock and boost your used electric car business.
Равные шансы для каждого участника вне зависимости от количества купленных автомобилей, страны, где вы находитесь, или выбранного вами канала продаж.
В случае ошибки с нашей стороны, мы сделаем всё для того, чтобы решить вопрос максимально быстро и, прежде всего, справедливо.
Публикация всей имеющейся у нас информации об автомобиле и регистрационных документах, постоянная работа над улучшением и осознание ответственности касательно данной информации.
Take advantage of the growing BEV market and stock up, as your buyers will benefit from government incentives and/or tax exemptions for driving a BEV in most countries.
Periodic shifts in countries' incentive schemes influence your business opportunities for importing (or exporting) EVs and BEVs. Make sure you also check on vehicles abroad, as this will certainly benefit your business success!
Check out the government incentives per country, as published by FleetEurope:
Looking for quick, accurate information about a vehicle's battery life? Check out the independent and reliable battery health test report that supports the buyers' confidence when purchasing BCA BEVs.
You can review, within each vehicle details page, a simple health score report that BCA generates with AVILOO's FLASH Test. The higher the score, the healthier the battery.
Why AVILOO? With the world's largest database powering our testing process and over 50.000 battery tests performed, compatible with 100+ vehicle models, AVILOO is the leading innovator in EV battery diagnostics.
An additional € 40 charge (per vehicle) will be applied for any BEV with an AVILOO battery report.
To give you an insight in the quality status of typical electric vehicle aspects, BCA's standard vehicle description is extended for EV's paying special attention to:
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