A partir de 11 de junho, voltamos aos leilões físicos em todos os nossos centros.Pode participar por reserva ou licitar on-line, a escolha é sua!
Temos o nosso call center operacional
Ligue para +351 219227300 ou envie-nos um email para:
Use the calculator to instantly know the price of your transport if the vehicle is located in one of our compounds.
Prices valid only for destinations accessible by a truck with a 16-meter platform, and for running vehicles that start and move by themselves. For other types of vehicles: offsite, damaged, motorcycles or trucks, check here:
We have implemented an appointment service through BCA Responde to guarantee your safety, so you can have the time you need. Please go to BCA centers only at the assigned time in order to maintain the recommended social distance.
Call us at +34 949 263 000 to get an a appointment at the time slot that suits you better.
Go to the BCA center to collect your vehicle at your assigned time. It is important that you carry out the health safety guidelines that we indicate there.
We deliver your sanitized vehicle following the current sanitary recommendations.
Please note that access to our centres will be by appointment.
Deliveries and withdrawals schedule: M - T 9:00 to 13:30 and 15:00 to 17:30 F from 08:00 to 14:30 Our transport service is available for you.
BCA Responde (customer call center) M - F from 9:00 to 18:00 BCA MarketPrice valuations service M - S from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00
Write to [email protected] or call us to +34 949 263 000.