1Europe Transport - BCAuto Enchères

Our European Delivery Services

With our transport service we will deliver your cars wherever you are located in Europe. Use our new online tool to view all the prices and to request your transport.

Online tool available to get your vehicles delivered

An easier and faster way to check all the transport prices and to request it online.

Only few steps to get your vehicles delivered to your door!

Check it out

All-in-one service for all European buyers

At BCA we are very conscious about the importance for you to have your vehicle(s) delivered as soon and easy as possible. We have built an extensive logistics network across Europe to provide you with the best offer. 

Our experienced logistic team in close partnership with renowned logistics companies will take care of the delivery of all the cars you purchase anywhere on Europe so that you can focus on what is important: finding the right offer for your business.

Automatic Transport

BCA Italy offers and applies by default the automatic transport on all running vehicles purchased from customers based in EU, with exceptions of Sweden, Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Ireland.

If you want to manage by yourself the transport of the vehicles purchased in Italy, France, Germany, Spain and The Netherlands click here.

Your support team

For any question regarding BCA 1Europe Transportplease do not hesitate to contact your dedicated EU Support team. They will provide you with all the information in the shortest period of time!

Send an email to your local contact:

Germany  [email protected]
France [email protected]
Belgique [email protected]
Sweden [email protected]
Denmark [email protected]
Netherlands [email protected]
Portugal [email protected]
Italy [email protected]
Spain [email protected]
Romania, Moldavia [email protected]
Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo, Greece [email protected]
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary [email protected]
Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria [email protected]
Poland [email protected]

A team at your service

Please, contact us in case you have any questions!