Buy in Europe

Find and buy from our large used cars stock across Europe!

New: automatic cross-border transport from Belgium

From Juli 1st, your purchases from BCA Belgium automatically delivered tom you

We have the car you are looking for

As the n°1 car remarketing company in Europe, BCA offers you the largest stock of vehicles: an average of 6.000 cars (all makes, kms, ages) across 9 different countries every week! Your next car is waiting for you...

Register once to access our European marketplace

Our single online registration process will allow you to access all of our sales across Europe. With a valid EU VAT number you will be able to bid in all the auctions of the BCA European marketplace.

Please read the relevant country information before participating in one of the auctions. If you have any questions after that, please contact the accountmanager Buyer Team on +31 88 540 3875 who will inform you about the specifics per country, or send an email:

Email contact

Buying in Europe is easy - We are here for you!

We want to make sure that importing a car is a piece of cake for you. therefore, we have built a European Support team 100% dedicated to help you throughout all the steps of the international journey, in your local language.

This team will be your main point of contact after your international purchase and will help you with the after-sales process, from invoicing to safely delivering your purchase in your compound. You can contact Alice Schuurman, International buyer manager (+31683110563) or send an email.
