Collection by external transport carrier

Learn all about our procedure regarding self-organised transport for cross-border sales

The following is not applicable for purchases from Denmark and Sweden

Only when vehicle collection is organised through your own transport carrier, extra document requirements are applied


BCA has sharpened the rules when it comes to self-organised vehicle collection of cross-border purchases. As you may be aware, since January 2020 specific VAT rules in regards to cross-border transactions are in force across the European Union (known as VAT Quick Fixes), which requires us to operate in accordance with such rules.

BCA always works hard to be a 100% EU VAT compliant marketplace and to make sure we follow-up on the newest regulations. In our official communication we fully explain these updates to our existing processes and more practical information can be found on this page.

Read BCA's official VAT communication


We understand that these sharpened rules on self-organised transport can cause inconveniences to your business. Therefore, BCA has built an extensive logistics network across Europe to get your vehicle delivered to your doorstep.

Taking BCA transport saves you from sending back:

  • Transport insurance
  • Confirmation of Delivery

In countries where transport is already automatically arranged by BCA (Denmark, Sweden, Spain) this does not require any extra action from your side. For all other countries we provide the option to sign an automatic transport contract after which BCA will transport all your goods without you requesting for it every time. Please contact your contact person within BCA for more information.

Find all prices in our Transport Calculator


What are the VAT Quick Fixes?

Directive 2006/112/EC (“VAT Directive”) set out a number of conditions for the exemption of supplies of goods from VAT in the context of certain intra-Community transactions.

One of those conditions is that the goods have to be dispatched or transported from one Member State to another.

However, the divergent approach amongst Member States in the application of those exemptions for cross-border transactions has created difficulties and legal uncertainty for businesses. This was contrary to the objective of enhancing intra-Community trade and to the abolition of the fiscal borders.

It was therefore important to specify and harmonise the conditions under which the exemptions can apply.

In order to provide a practical solution for businesses and also to provide assurance for Tax Administrations, the European Union opted by implement Council Directive (EU) 2018/1910 of 4 December 2018 and Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1912.

These legislations, commonly known as “Quick Fixes” establish uniform rules and conditions for, amongst others, the application of VAT exemption relating to intra-Community supplies that should now, be the same in each Member-State.

Is this company policy or law?

This is not a BCA policy, but rather European Union Law.

Where can I find more information?

The legal acts which introduced the VAT changes applicable to the BCA auctions are:


a) Council Directive (EU) 2018/1910 of 4 December 2018 amending Directive 2006/112/EC as regards the harmonisation and simplification of certain rules in the value added tax system for the taxation of trade between Member States;


b) Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1912 of 4 December 2018 amending Implementing Regulation (EU) No 282/2011, namely article 45-A et. seq.


For a comprehensive reading, please also consider Explanatory Notes on the EU VAT changes in respect of call-off stock arrangements, chain transactions and the exemption for intra-Community supplies of goods (“2020 Quick Fixes”), namely Sections §4 and §5.

Which documents are now required after receiving my vehicle?

First of all, even before send you the vehicle, BCA will always confirm that your EU VAT number is valid in VIES (or in the case of Germany, in the required German website).


Afterwards, if the transport is arranged by BCA, we will only need you to send us a legible copy/photo of the CMR, completed, signed and stamped and we will send you the vehicle documents.


If the transport is arranged by you, then we will need you to provide us:

1) Legible copy/photo of the CMR, completed, signed and stamped, as per the instructions below;

2) Transport insurance issued by the carrier’s insurance company, which complies with the EU road regulations. This should be provided in advance to [email protected] together with the Carrier Notification Form duly fulfilled. Ask your carrier, they should have it ;

3) Confirmation of delivery – please fulfil the document that can be downloaded here and send us a copy signed and stamped by you.


After providing us the 3 documents described above, we will send you the vehicle documents.

Why is this only applicable for vehicles I have arranged own transport for?

In the cases in which BCA arranges the transport, you only need to provide us the CMR. Don’t worry, BCA will obtain the remaining documents directly from the transport company.

What is a CMR and how do I complete it correctly?

CMR is a consignment note with a standard set of transport and liability conditions that replaces individual businesses terms and conditions that evidences the transport of goods by road, according to the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road, a United Nations Convention that was signed in Geneva on 19 May 1956. All EU Member States have signed, accessed or ratified the Convention.

In order to complete it correctly you may find the following CMR filling instructions useful.

What is a transport insurance document and where can I get it?

Insurance policy is a document issued by the carrier’s insurance company certifying that the carrier has protection against damages or losses during the transport.

Your carrier should have it, and as they are transporting your goods, it is normal to ask for it and they should provide this to you.

What is a Confirmation of Delivery and how do I complete it correctly?

Confirmation of Delivery is, as provided by as per article 45-A (1) of Council Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1912 of 4 December 2018, a written statement from the Buyer, stating that the vehicles have been dispatched or transported by the Buyer, or by a third party on its behalf, and identifying the Member State of destination of the goods.

Don’t worry, you can find it here.

Just sign and stamp it when you receive the goods and send it to us with a copy of the CMR and (copy of the carrier’s insurance policy if you have not yet provided it).

I have a different delivery address, what should I do?

It is possible to have an additional or different delivery address, as long as this address is either listed in your Chamber of Commerce or you can prove an agreement by showing us the rental / logistics contract. In such cases a document always needs to be returned back to BCA. 

>> Confirmation of alternative delivery address <<

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