EV's are booming! More makes and models are available in the markets and there is a growing interest of customers. Not only new EV's are in demand. The used EV market is growing rapidly as well, now that it seems that battery lifetime is no longer something to be afraid of. Take advantage of this booming trend and boost your business with EVs!
Communiquer tout ce que nous savons sur un véhicule et ses documents, enrichir leur description et prendre nos responsabilités concernant les informations communiquées.
Les mêmes règles s'appliquent à tous, quelque soit votre historique d'achat chez nous ou votre situation géographique.
En cas d'erreur de notre part, nous effectuerons le nécessaire pour y remédier au plus vite, avec le moins d'impact possible pour vous.
EV's are conquering Europe; sales are growing fast and exponentially, as ACEA also points out.
BCA experiences growth of supply and demand in the EU EV sales. Not only is supply available from many countries, but also buyers from almost 30 countries in Europe visit the sales regularly to replenish their EV stock.
The different stages of market penetration, pushed forward in some countries by government subsidies, and market maturity of the electric vehicles across Europe makes international trading with EV's particularly interesting.
You will find the right car as easy as in your local market, thanks to our standardised operations and sales format.
To give you an insight in the quality status of typical electric vehicle aspects, BCA's standard vehicle description is extended for EV's paying special attention to:
Sale conditions:
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BCA Italia s.r.l. Ripa di Porta Ticinese, 7 20143 Milano. P.IVA/Codice Fiscale IT02557550346