Bid Now & xBid

Find out more about Bid Now and xBid Session

Benefits of automatic bidding

You can decide your maximum bid before or during the auction. Thanks to our automatic bidding option, our system will bid incrementally on your behalf but never exceeds your maximum amount.

  • You can buy vehicles on Live Online, where you may not be able to logon to Live Online or attend the auction in person.
  • It is a natural extension to finding stock online, whereby you can search used stock, then "track" vehicles of interest, and now place automatic bids.
  • It gives you more flexibility, whereby you can place automatic bids on some vehicles and logon to Live Online for more active bidding on other vehicles or sales.

xBid session

Most of the online auctions end with a so-called xBid session. It starts few minutes after the end a Buy-now auction. During this phase all cars appear on screen one more time. This system allows you to place an additional bid and to react on an offer placed within the final moments. After each new bid the timer jumps back 10 - 30 seconds again (depending on the auction setting) to allow other participants to place a higher bid.

Follow the steps and get registered today

Once your company details have been checked and an account has been created, you can directly access all our auctions across Europe.