Payment and Fees

Easy payment process and fees applicable to our sales

Payment of the vehicles

Full payment for the vehicle is required within 48 working hours of billing. As a vehicle buyer, you will receive the invoice for the vehicle´s price, plus the BCA purchase commission. This commission will vary between BCA countries and everything will appear detailed on your invoice.

Keep in mind that some national transfers from one entity to another may take 1-2 working days to become effective, so we advise you to confirm receipt of the amount with us before picking up the vehicle.

For an easier identification of your payments, please, send us proof of transfer to [email protected] indicating in the concept: Registration-Company that makes the payment.

Send proof of transfer

National auctions


Local Buyer

Foreign Buyer

Buyer fee

Depending on the price of the vehicle. See table below

Documentation processing

· Document fee: 69,77 €

· Transfer Tax: 55,70 €

Deregistration fee for export: 165 €

Export Fee

Does not apply.

125 €

All fees are subject to VAT except the Transfer Tax.

Buyer Fees

The following sales prices are shown without taxes:

From selling priceTo selling pricePrice
0,00 249,99 96,00
250,00 499,99 127,00
500,00 749,99 170,00
750,00 999,99 186,00
1.000,00 1.249,99 202,00
1.250,00 1.499,99 223,00
1.500,00 1.749,99 242,00
1.750,00 1.999,99 263,00
2.000,00 2.499,99 279,00
2.500,00 2.999,99 296,00
3.000,00 3.499,99 317,00
3.500,00 3.999,99 320,00
4.000,00 4.499,99 323,00
4.500,00 4.999,99 327,00
5.000,00 5.499,99 330,00
5.500,00 5.999,99 333,00
6.000,00 6.499,99 336,00
6.500,00 6.999,99 340,00
7.000,00 7.499,99 343,00
7.500,00 7.999,99 346,00
8.000,00 8.499,99 349,00
8.500,00 8.999,99 353,00
9.000,00 9.499,99 356,00
9.500,00 9.999,99 359,00
10.000,00 10.499,99 362,00
10.500,00 10.999,99 366,00
11.000,00 11.499,99 369,00
11.500,00 11.999,99 372,00
12.000,00 12.999,99 375,00
13.000,00 13.999,99 378,00
14.000,00 14.999,99 382,00
15.000,00 15.999,99 385,00
16.000,00 999.999,00 2,4%**

Buyer fees valid from the 21st of March of 2023

* The commission will be applied to the final award price. All prices shown in the buyer fee table are VAT excl.. 

BCA Euroshop and EV auctions


Local Buyer

Foreign Buyer

Buyer Fee*

· BCA Euroshop: 3% (minimum of 450 €).

· BEV: 450€ Flat Fee.

· Tesla: 450€ Flat Fee.

Documentation processing

· Document Fee: 69,77 €

· Transfer tax: 55,70 €

Deregistration fee for export: 165 €

Export Fee

Does not apply. 125 €

All fees are subject to VAT except the Transfer Tax.

AVILOO Report Fee: €40

An additional €40 charge (per vehicle) will be applied for any BEV with an AVILOO battery report.

*The purchase commission on BCA Euroshop and EV auctions is a fixed percentage of the value of the vehicle.

Parking Fees

Term of free stays

You have 7 calendar days free of paking fees from the date of the invoice. If your company is located outside of Spain, in the EU, you have 15 calendar days. If the vehicle is damaged and your company is located outside Spain, you have 15 working days.

Parking fees

After the free period, € 18 + VAT per day and vehicle will be billed.

If after 20 calendar days after the invoice, the withdrawal has not been made, BCA will be authorized to transport to the client's address. The transport costs and the extra parking days will be on behalf of the client.

Transport with BCA

If you contract and pay for the transport with BCA within the period of free stays, you will not have to pay for any extra parking fee. In the event that transport is contracted with BCA after the end of the period of free stays, you will have to pay for the stays that have been generated until the day of effective transport payment before the removal of that vehicles.

Speed up the management of your payments and the collection of your vehicles.

Reduce the time to release your vehicle as soon as possible:

In BCA we are in continuous development, constantly seeking to make your shopping experience easier. That is why we have updated our financial platform in order to make it easier for you. With this, we have managed to shorten the payment confirmation time and thus speed up the collection of your vehicles. 

All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

Speed it up even more!

After the purchase of the car, you will receive an invoice by e-mail. This will show the invoice number in the position shown in the example.



When making the payment, you must enter the invoice number without spaces and dashes as the transfer concept in your banking platform, as shown in the example.In the case of payment of several invoices, we will use all the invoice numbers separated by spaces as the concept of the transfer. No full stops, commas or other special characters.

Download the tutorial

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